Understanding Cat Medications

Changes in your cat's behavior can indicate something is amiss, potentially meaning health issues. Medication prescribed by a veterinarian may be necessary to treat various conditions, from short-term illnesses to chronic health problems.

Common Reasons for Medication

  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD): Requires daily medications and specific prescription cat food.
  • Infections: Are treated with antibiotics until the condition is resolved.
  • Pain Management: Pain medications help to keep the cat comfortable.
  • Other conditions requiring medication may include heart disease, diabetes, some forms of cancer, and hyperthyroidism.

Medication Formats

  • Pill: Pill Pockets or pill guns may help administer medications.
  • Liquid: This may be flavored to encourage compliance.
  • Transdermal Gel: Applied topically, easy for some pet owners.

Giving Medication Tips

  • Use positive reinforcement for best results.
  • A high table can make it easier to administer medication.

Refills & Prescription Food

For medication refills, consult your vet, who may also perform blood tests to ensure proper dosing.
Prescription cat food can be used to manage specific health issues.

Behavior Modification
Various medications can be employed for behavior-related issues, often in conjunction with behavior modification techniques.
Administering medication for a cat can be challenging, but it is essential for managing health conditions. Various medication formats and strategies can make the task more manageable, and your vet's guidance is invaluable in this process.