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Dog Pain Management 

Differences between Acute and Chronic Pain in Dogs

  • Acute pain: Sudden onset due to specific incidents like torn nails, dog bites, fractures, etc.
  • Chronic pain: Ongoing pain that has lasted longer, often affecting the nervous system differently.

Treatment for each varies significantly.

When to Bring Your Dog for a Pain Consultation
If you suspect they are in pain, bring your dog immediately for a proper examination and treatment plan.

Signs and Symptoms of Pain in Dogs

  • Changes in behavior (e.g., not greeting you at the door)
  • Hiding, panting, and shaking
  • Reduced appetite
  • Dogs rarely vocalize pain

Medication and Pain Management

  • Do not give human medication like Tylenol or Advil.
  • Medications vary based on the dog's condition, age, and breed.
  • Options include opioids, nonsteroidal, and nerve pain medication like Gabapentin.
  • Adjunctive therapies like laser therapy may be used.

Managing Chronic Pain in Aging Dogs
Aging is not a disease; older dogs may have more pain issues.
A thorough physical exam and possibly x-rays are advised to diagnose chronic pain.

Where to Get Pain Medication
Medication should be obtained from your veterinary hospital for guaranteed quality and correct dosing.

Additional FAQs

  • Signs of Pain: Hiding, shaking, changes in behavior.
  • Causes of Pain: Sore paws, cuts, dog bites, arthritis, dental issues, etc.
  • When to See a Vet: Minimum once a year for young pets; twice yearly for pets older than 6-7 years.
  • How Vets Assess Pain: Through history, physical exams, and possibly x-rays.